Quality Testing

Quality Testing

Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Ambrossia is one of the well-known software quality assurance testing companies, having a talented and skillful software tester team. We provide diverse services like software QA testing, web QA testing, mobile quality assurance testing and many more.

Handgrippings of services of Software QA Testing

Quality management is a crucial phase of any cycle of product development. If the company delivers a product without testing, then it cannot be that much useful as the client wants it to be. It can be defective, which can be troublesome for the user during the real-time product usage.

If software is considered a product, then software testing is vital in this situation before supplying it to the clients. Analysis of software is equally significant like software development. Ambrossia emphasizes on software testing highly for keeping a good deliverables’ quality up. Planning and designing the phase of software testing is essential in software as a service (SaaS) just like Ambrossia.

Advantages of the QA process and Manual Testing

Manual testing is a requisite and needed to be endured if the quality of the software is the main concern. Our team includes all highly competent and experienced QA analysts and they are aware of all software phases as well as the life cycle of IT analysis. The team of Ambrossia works on Black Box testing.

Black box is referred to as software or application testing from the perspective of a user along with examining its functionality, which is indispensable for any software. The software tester team of Ambrossia uses different techniques for analysis manually like Boundary Value analysis or Equivalence Partitioning.

Our team accountably pays attention to software testing as we spot our light on being a top-notch player as a service provider of software quality assurance.

Both the big tracking and bug management is a crucial bug life cycle part. EnconstareTech utilizes productive tools to track the defect. The effective tools assist in maintaining the defects’ record and making it uncomplicated for tracking the progression of each bug.

Design and creation of test cases is required in testing. We will be unable to accumulate confidence about the software quality if test cases are not created properly. Creating test cases accurately in an efficient manner is vital. Ensuring of covering all the aspects of the functionality of the software is necessary at the time of the creation of test cases.

Two parameters like decision coverage and branch coverage that are utilized for measuring the test cases’ accuracy along with effectiveness. The test case is combined with inputs for testing a scenario and its expected output. All the QA relies on the test cases’ quality created by us.

Our experts, developing a standard format of writing the test cases, ensure that all the needed information gets captured in a test case. The format matches the global standard test cases’ format with few customizations according to our requirements.

Our dedicated team is concerned highly with the QA part. We analyze the requirements thoroughly for creating highly accurate and constructive test scenarios.

It is significant. Every test case is informative. Thus, documentation of this information is very crucial and it should be done properly. Ambrossia utilizes a productive tool for test case management for storing every test case along with its related documents.

The tool that we utilize is beneficial as it helps in maintaining the output records along with the information of the application version. Tracking all the test case development is very simple utilizing this tool of test case management, which assists in the improvement of traceability.

It is also essential just like test case management. Though both terms look similar, but in reality, they are entirely diverse. Test management elicits test planning along with test estimation. Ambrossia endures a defined process for each phase of the life cycle of software testing.

Test management consists of resource planning, test estimation, priority decision, release notes format, deciding entry and exit criteria, task assignment, etc.

Ambrossia utilizes various useful techniques for black-box testing in different scenarios with high accuracy. Our experienced testers have intense knowledge about techniques and their utilization for testing the provided scenarios. Some of our black box techniques are stated below:

  • Equivalence Partitioning (EP)
  • Use Case Testing
  • State Transition Diagrams
  • Decision Table Testing
  • Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
  • This wide approach is utilized for making a web page. Though it is primitive, in some scenarios, it is considered an effective approach for web page development. Ambrossia converts a PSD or Photoshop Document to a webpage utilizing CSS, HTML, etc. in PSD to HTML approach. A good testing is required for this approach. Based on the mock-up, the developer responsibly creates a web page in this approach, which leads to a great discrepancies’ scope. However, our talented team works on such converted webpages. Ambrossia provides:

  • Extremely fast and upgraded service
  • W3C validation
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • 100% guaranteed satisfaction
  • Ambrossia manages and controls each phase of the life cycle of quality assurance with the utilization of various tools. Our experienced team prepares needed documentations like test plans, release notes, test cases, etc. and works on entry and exit criteria. After testing each thing, we deliver it to our clients.

    Why should you opt for us?Well, we will define the reasons.

    • We spot our light on accomplishing the projects on deadline.
    • We focus on providing 100% satisfaction to our clients.
    • We provide qualified, skillful and verified software tester team.
    • Ambrossia utilizes advanced techniques and tools for making your products according to your expectations and needs.
    • We provide 24X7 service and support.
    • Our team offers profitable solutions maintaining the quality.

    Our services

    Ambrossia provide services of quality assurance, which consists of:

    • Test planning
    • Bug reporting and management
    • Manual testing
    • Release notes
    • Our experienced team of software testers utilizes various tools and techniques for software testing maintaining the quality. Software testing is considered a process that verifies as well as validates that the software can gratify all the requirements of the clients. We use different methods and IT analysis types for ensuring the best quality assurance practices.


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